Multilingual AI in Education Town Hall

October 26th 11 AM to 12:00 PM (EDT) | 5 PM to 6:00 PM (CEST)

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Enabling communication between academia and industry
Slide 3
Training for and advancing localization careers
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Multilingual artificial intelligence is changing the language industry and the
education sector must respond to the AI revolution. How do you see multilingual
AI technologies impacting localization teaching and learning? Is it a challenge? An
opportunity? Both? One major concern is that AI learns and adapts so rapidly that
the speed of human teaching and learning, as well as issues around responsible
use of these emerging tools cannot keep up with the incredible pace of change.
This problem becomes more complex when we take low-resource languages into

As an international platform to bring academia and industry together, EDUinLOC
welcomes and respects all voices throughout the world. Join us to listen to this
thought-provoking panel discussion and share your ideas during our two parallel
breakout sessions: (1) AI and the Futures of Learning, and (2) AI and the
curriculum project.


● Welcome and introduction [5 min]
● Panel discussion [20 min]: Artificial intelligence in education
○ Panelists: Jaap Van Der Meer, Alon Lavie, Pete Smith, Jan Grodecki
○ Moderator: Peng Wang
● Breakout session [25 min]
○ AI and the Future of Learning (moderated by Peng Wang, Pete
Smith and Markus Meisl): This session approaches AI in Education from a multicultural perspective. Topics will include: AI literacy and training, AI for future
learners, generative AI in languages other than English, equity and
ethics of AI themes in education.
○ AI and the curriculum project (moderated by Jan Grodecki)
● Closing: EDUinLOC initiatives and beyond [10 min]

Meet Our Speakers

Townhall followup

We’d love to hear your ideas about the topics on Multilingual AI in Education.