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Enabling communication between academia and industry
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Training for and advancing localization careers
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EDUinLOC (a LocWorld initiative) is a global platform to enable communication between academics and the localization industry. Our immediate goal is to enhance communication between the stakeholders that make our industry evolve and thrive, and to understand their needs and challenges. We will collaborate to create actionable proposals to keep bringing value to our industry. 

What we do

  • A global platform to enable communication between academics and the localization industry.
  • Assist educators in creating relevant syllabi and staying up to date with industry requirements.
  • Assist the localization industry in developing new talent by collaborating with educators.
  • Promote practice-oriented research in the localization industry.

What we don’t do

  • A forum for job offers, internships, and hiring-related communication.
  • A standardization authority or initiative to recommend education or localization-related standards.

Who should join us?

  • Educators and researchers
  • Students
  • Language industry professionals from the client and vendor side
  • Multilingual marketing experts
  • Anyone interested in this initiative 

When do we meet? 

Our inauguralTown Hall Meeting was held online on March 26, 2021 at 11:00 am -12:00 pm (EDT)! See details here.